VI Cross border conference on climate
and coastal change

23th-24th october, 2024

Focussed on action and communication
against climate emergency

Uhinak= waves, in Basque

VI Cross border conference on
climate and coastal change

23th-24th october, 2024


Picture of Peter Ditlevsen

Peter Ditlevsen

Professor, University of Copenhagen

Peter Ditlevsen is Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, his educational background includes a Dr. Scient in 2004, a PhD in Theoretical Solid State Physics in 1991, and an MSc in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics in 1988. He is an expert in the physics of climate, paleoclimate, chaos and dynamical systems. He has published more than 100papers, 5 books/book chapters and numerous popular science articles.

Picture of Jon Sáenz Agirre

Jon Sáenz Agirre

University Professor
Department of Physics. Faculty of Science and Technology
University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

He is a University Professor in the Physics Department of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of the Basque Country and a member of the Plentzia Marine Station (PIE). He is the author of several articles in scientific journals (more than 80 articles) and principal investigator in six projects of the National Research Plan, all of them in the field of climatology, a field in which he has directed or co-directed nine doctoral theses.

He has collaborated with national and international authors in different lines, as demonstrated by publications in high impact journals. One of these lines covers atmosphere-ocean coupling applied to the use of climate data for the study of renewable energy production or ecotoxicology in coastal areas and the coupling between wind and wave production in remote waters.

Another line covers the analysis of multidecadal climate variability and renewable energies, having collaborated in the analysis of global wind potential, the detection of long-term changes in offshore wind energy density or the impact of climate variability on the efficiency of wave energy converters.

He has developed and analysed high-resolution numerical models (including variational data assimilation in our integrations), applied to the study of available offshore wind energy, the analysis of atmospheric moisture balance and the impact of using a data assimilation step in the simulation of convective instability.

He has also produced free software packages for scientific use, such as the R packages SailoR and aiRthermo, the parallelised C code for the calculation of multidimensional probability density functions using kernel or the pyclimate package in python.

Picture of Roland Garnier

Roland Garnier

Researcher, AZTI

Graduate engineer and doctor in applied physics and oceanography from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and the University of Bordeaux (2007). Expert in coastal engineering and modelling of coastal processes, with professional experience in international research centres (University of Nottingham, University of Cantabria, UPC). He is involved in the development and coordination of projects relating to climate change, coastal risks, coastal engineering and coastal management. He has been a researcher in the AZTI marine technologies field since 2020, where he coordinates the European Regions4Climate project at regional level.

Picture of Delpey Matthias

Delpey Matthias

Head of Research & Development
Head of Waves & Coastal Risks Services
Co-director of the KOSTARISK joint laboratory (UPPA/AZTI/RPT). Rivages Pro Tech, SUEZ Eau France

Matthias Delpey is in charge of Research & Development at SUEZ’s Rivages Pro Tech centre and works in particular on issues relating to waves and the impact of storms on the coast. He also co-directs the KOSTARISK joint laboratory dedicated to research into coastal risks, which is shared between the SIAME laboratory at the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour, the AZTI Foundation and the Rivages Pro Tech centre. An engineer with a doctorate in physical oceanography, Matthias specialises in wave dynamics in coastal areas, wave-current interactions and marine submersion. Since January 2023, Matthias has been coordinating the collaborative actions carried out on the southern Aquitaine coast as part of the European Regions4Climate project, alongside the Communauté d’Agglomération Pays Basque and the Université de Pau et Pays de l’Adour.

Picture of Soledad Vivas Navarro

Soledad Vivas Navarro

Marine Environment Technical Coordinator.
Environment and Water Agency. Regional Government of Andalusia.

She has been the Technical Coordinator of the Marine Environment Programme at the Environment and Water Agency of the Andalusian Regional Government from 2008 to the present. Coordinator of various European projects, including Life + Posidonia Andalucía, the Life Blue Natura project and Life IP Intemares, in the latter case in relation to the Agency’s commitments as a beneficiary partner of this project. During the more than 14 years in which it has been carrying out these activities, it has published dozens of articles, book chapters and carried out different interventions in different formats at national and European level that reflect the development of all the actions carried out in relation to the management and conservation of threatened marine species and habitats in Andalusia, especially those related to the Plan for the recovery and conservation of threatened marine phanerogams and invertebrates in Andalusia and the Emergency programme against strandings of cetaceans and sea turtles in Andalusia. In recent years, this work has also provided specific information on the calculation of the ecosystem services of marine ecosystems in Andalusia, especially those associated with the HIC*1120 Posidonia oceanica meadows. In recent years, this work has also provided specific information on the calculation of the ecosystem services of marine ecosystems in Andalusia, especially those associated with the HIC*1120 Posidonia oceanica meadows. Recently, and thanks to the implementation of Life Blue Natura, the development of projects in line with the SbN, specifically projects aimed at reinforcing the role of marine ecosystems in the fight against climate change, specifically their role in CO2 sequestration, have been highlighted.

Picture of Iñigo Losada Rodríguez

Iñigo Losada Rodríguez

Research Director
Institute of Environmental Hydraulics "IHCantabria".
University of Cantabria

Iñigo Losada holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Cantabria (Spain) and the University of Delaware (USA). He is Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of Santander and Research Director of the Institute of Environmental Hydraulics-IHCantabria.

His research has focused on modelling coastal processes, wave-structure interaction, offshore energy and climate change related risks and adaptation in coastal zones. He was the coordinating lead author of the coastal chapter of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report. For his work, Losada has received awards from the (ASCE) and the (IAHR) as well as the National Research and Environment Awards.

Picture of Maria Josep Picó Garcés

Maria Josep Picó Garcés

Professor of journalism
University of València

She is a lecturer in Journalism at the Universitat de València and coordinator of the Environmental Journalism module in the Master’s Degree in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. She has been a specialised editor for the newspaper Levante-EMV; director of the nature magazine Nat, of Sàpiens Publicacions, and journalist at UCC+i of the Universitat de València and Universitat Jaume I. She also coordinated the communication and participation strategy of València European Green Capital 2024. His areas of specialisation are environmental communication, sustainability and climate change, as well as new transmedia narratives for science communication in the digital environment. He is the winner of the 2005 National Journalism Prize, awarded by the Ministry of the Environment of the Spanish Government.

Picture of Marta Coll Montón

Marta Coll Montón

Senior researcher
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM) - CSIC; Barcelona

She is a researcher at the Institute of Marine Science (ICM–CSIC) (Barcelona, Spain).

Her research focuses on understanding patterns and processes that have and will characterize marine ecosystems and, in particular, changes of, and threats to, marine biodiversity. She studies community and food-web dynamics linked with human activities (such as fisheries, eutrophication, invasive species and climate change), and how these translate into changes in ecosystem structure and functioning, and into services that humans obtain from the ocean. She develops and apply a variety of ecological analyses based on ecosystem modelling techniques and statistical tools, and uses historical data, experimental results and field data sets. She currently works on developing and testing scenarios of future trajectories of change to find best solutions for transformative management of the oceans.